Kino Club Film Screenings

The selected short films were submitted under the themes ‘Community’ and ‘Borders’, and the final curation has summed them up under the event titles ‘Transcend’ and ‘Relate’.

Friday night is filled with trippy, aesthetic films and nice soundtracks – plus a live performance by Eoin O’Dowd, who will be making soundscapes on his homemade instruments built during his residency in Oma Taidetalo.
(Friday disclaimer: flashing lights and fast blinking visuals)

Sunday’s selection focuses on human relationships, communication and (dis)connection, and includes both fictional and documentary shorts.
(Sunday disclaimer: nudity)

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Kino Club is hosting two screenings, as part of our Audiovisual Performance Festival from July 23-25.

The screenings are themed in correlation with the specificity and location of Oma Taidetalo. The themes for the screenings are: Community and Borders.
Kino Club accepts submissions of up to 30 min., within all genres, related to these themes.
(Selected filmmakers do not need to be physically present at screening events.)

Submissions (compressed files or online links) can be sent to:
DEADLINE: Sunday 20th of June (all day)
Final decisions are communicated via email by 1st of July.
No submission fees; no artist fees; no premiere requirements.

Kino Club is a video collective of Helsinki-based artists, getting back to their roots, of showcasing independent art films, at this event. Members of Kino Club will visit Oma Taidetalo during the summer, and spend time with us in Simpele as part of the collaboration.

Kino Club Facebook
Kino Club Instagram